Terpene Profiles

Terpene Profiles

Terpenes are the fragrance molecules found in all plants, including cannabis.

Terpene profiles their effects and benefits

They offer a unique scent from one strain to the next. Cannabis is unique in that each strain has a unique profile of terpenes. In addition, terpenes are believed to exhibit medicinal properties independent from the cannabinoids. Overall, terpenes contribute to a strain’s influence – a phenomenon known as the entourage effect.


There are about [9-11] terpenes usually including the following:

  1. Myrcene
  2. Limonene
  3. Linalool
  4. Pinene (Alpha & Beta)
  5. Caryophyllene
  6. Humulene
  7. Bisabolol (a.k.a Alpha-bisabolo or levomenol)
  8. Nerolidol
  9. Ocimene
  10. Terpinolene
  11. Phytol


  1. Myrcene

The most abundant terpene in cannabis often time giving cannabis the smell of hops or cloves. This terpene can also be found in mangos, lemongrass and thyme. It also has some very special properties, including lowering the resistance across the blood to brain barrier, allowing itself and many other chemicals to cross the barrier easier and more quickly. In the case of cannabinoids, like THC, it allows it to take effect more quickly.

Some of its health benefits for cannabis users are:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Pain reliever
  • Highly sedative at certain levels
  • Anti-spasmodic
  • Recommended supplement during cancer treatments.

Strains to look for:

  • White Widow
  • 5th Element
  • Grand Daddy Purple


  1. Limonene

The second most abundant terpene in cannabis. It’s known for its strong citrus odor and bitter taste. It can be found in citrus fruits and citrus rinds.

Some of its health benefits for cannabis users are:

  • Stress reducer
  • Improve mood
  • Antibacterial
  • Can assist in reducing tumor size
  • Treats acid-reflux
  • Aids in digestion

Strains that have ‘lemon’ or ‘sour’ in their name are typically rich in limonene.

Strains to look for:

  • Sour Diesel
  • Super Lemon Haze
  • Sour Lemon
  • Jack Herer
  • Do-Si-Dos
  • Wedding Cake


  1. Linalool

Linalool is known for the recognizable ‘marijuana’ smell with its spicy and floral notes. Linalool found in lavender, mint, cinnamon, and coriander. Just like those herbs, it has a strong sedative and relaxing properties.

Linalool can be used to treat the following:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Pain
  • Inflammation
  • Neurodegeneration
  • Mood Enhancement
  • Anti-seizure

It can also help patients with:

  • Arthritis
  • Depression
  • Seizures
  • Insomnia

Strains to look for:

  • Amnesia Haze


  1. Pinene (Alpha and Beta)

Pinene is found in conifer trees, orange peels, and sage. It’s known for its sharp sweet odor such as pine. Pinene can be found as an a-pinene and b-pinene. However, because both are often found together, it is unclear of the benefits of one versus the other.

 Pinene is known to help treat the following:

  • Assisting in airflow and respiratory issues such as treating asthma
  • Improves memory retention
  • Counteracts some effects of THC

Some of its health benefits for cannabis users are:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Beneficial for patients with Chron’s Disease
  • Promotes alertness

Strains to look for:

  • Jack Herer
  • Strawberry Cough
  • Blue Dream


  1. Caryophyllene

This terpene is known for its spicy smell. It can be found in black pepper, clove, and rosemary. Beta-Caryophyllene is considered a highly important terpene because, unlike other terpenes, it can activate CB2 receptors throughout the body. This unique trait makes caryophyllene very similar to the cannabinoid CBD.

Some of its health benefits for cannabis users are:

  • Anti-depressant
  • Anti-fungal
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Stress

 Strains to look for:

  • Purple Punch
  • Original Glue (GG#4)


  1. Humulene

The terpene called humulene is responsible for giving beer it’s hoppy smell. It can be found in hops, ginger, cannabis sativa strains, and Vietnamese coriander.

Humulene is known to help treat the following:

  • Assisting in airflow and respiratory issues such as treating asthma
  • Improves memory retention
  • Counteracts some effects of THC

Some of its health benefits for cannabis users are:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Appetite suppressant
  • Pain reliever
  • Early research has shown it can help with cancer cell growth

Strains to look for:

  • White Widow
  • Headband
  • Girl Scout Cookies
  • Sour Diesel
  • Skywalker OG


  1. Bisbolol (a.ka. Alpah-Bisabolo or Levomenol)

Bisbolol is a sweet terpene well-suited for recreational cannabis users. It's often found in chamomile essential oils.

Bisbolo is known for the following:

  • Helping with bacterial infections
  • Great antioxidant
  • Analgesic properties
  • Reducing skin inflammation

Strains to look for:

  • Harle Tsu
  • ACDC
  1. Nerolidol

Nerolidoi is the terpene known to give certain cannabis strains a distinctive woody aroma. This terpene is found in ginger, jasmine, lavender, lemon grass, and tea tree. It's considered a secondary terpene that is found mostly in plants.

 Nerolidol’s properties is known to help with the following:

  • Anti-fungal
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Anti-parasitic
  • Sedative

Strains to look for:

  • Skywalker OG
  • Sweet Skunk
  1. Ocimene
Ocimene is a beautiful sweet, earthy, citrus aroma frequently used in perfume. Ocimene’s properties is known to help with the following:
    • Anti-fungal
    • Anti-viral
    • Give you an uplifting feeling
    1. Terpinolene

     Terpinolene, meanwhile, is a lurker. It’s found in plenty of cannabis strains, but it’s usually present only in small amounts. It may, in fact, be the least-common common terpene—often among a strain’s cast of characters, but rarely in a leading role. Terpinolene, though, carries an array of smells you might find in cannabis: It’s piney, floral, herbaceous, and even a little citrusy.

    That’s not to say it’s unimportant. Terpinolene plays a key role in defining the taste and smell of many cannabis strains.

    Terpinolene's properties is known to help with the following:

    • Heart disease
    • Inhibiting the growth of cancer cells

    Strains to look for:

    • Jack Herer
    • XJ-13
    • Orange Cookies
    1. Phytol

    Phytol is a terpene found in some strains of cannabis, as well as other plants such as green tea. 

    There is some evidence it can be used therapeutically for reducing inflammation, pain, and anxiety, and it may also be helpful as an antioxidant and antitumor agent, as well as a sedative and anticonvulsant.

    Phytol's properties is known to help with the following:

    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Pain relief
    • Antitumor agent
    • Potential antioxidant
    • Anti-anxiety
    • Anticonvulsant


    For more help and direction on which terpene profiles would work best for you, visit GreenLabs and speak with a budtender to help you find the best cannabis routine.